
Mechanical properties of iron pipe

2019-07-04 693
In the process of casting, the raw material of cast iron is spheroidized. Most of the carbon in cast iron arrangement may be graphitized. Ductile iron castings have good strength and endurance. They are widely used in mechanical parts. The comprehensive mechanical functions of nodular graphite castings in use are as follows:
1. When the tensile strength is the same, the yield strength of ductile iron is higher than that of steel, so it can be used as structural material for making important parts of mechanical and electrical products.
2. Ductile iron has much higher tensile strength and resistance than gray iron and can be compared with steel castings.
3. Ductile iron has good casting, machinability and welding functions, and heat treatment can greatly improve its functions.
4. The fatigue strength of nodular cast iron is 1 times higher than that of gray cast iron, it is close to 45 steel, and its sensitivity to notch is lower than that of steel, so it is not easy to cause fatigue damage, so it can be used to make crankshaft and other disorderly parts.
5. Ductile iron has much higher elongation at break, modulus of elasticity and impact toughness than gray iron. It has better wear resistance, heat resistance and corrosion resistance. Although its vibration reduction is not as good as gray iron, it is much better than steel.
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